What a mess! After only four months in office, President Trump is the target of an investigation by a special counsel. And for what? Liberals like Up-Chuck Schumer and Dianne Frankenstein have accused him of everything from collusion to obstruction of justice. They will stop at nothing to see that Trump is impeached.
Trump has good intentions. He wants to create new jobs, fix our broken health care system and secure the border. Those are admirable goals, but the Democrats are determined to block him at every turn. It's about more than just trying to stop his agenda, though. It's become a personal vendetta. They want to bring Trump down.
I'll admit Trump is far from a perfect president. He's made some mistakes, and he's bound to make more. He's not a seasoned politician, but I believe Donald Trump truly loves this country and wants to make it better.
Democrats won't even give him a chance. They've attacked every decision he's made. Even when he fired FBI Director James Comey, whom the liberals blamed for Hillary losing the election, Democrats are trying to make it into a scandal.
The Dems are grasping at straws by accusing Trump of obstructing justice for telling Comey he hoped he would let the Flynn investigation go. What's wrong with saying he hopes he will let this go? That's like me telling that officer "I hope you won't give me a ticket." Unless Trump offered Comey a bribe to halt the investigation, that's hardly obstruction of justice.
It's time to stop all this partisan fighting and start working together for the good of the country.
What a mess!