It's all over but the crying....... and the whining. After a last-ditch effort by liberals to change the outcome of the election, Donald Trump easily earned enough electoral votes on Monday to secure the presidency.
Trump won 306 electoral votes on Nov. 8, and Democrats have been playing the blame game ever since. First, they blamed the FBI director for daring to investigate Hillary over her e-mail scam. Hillary should thank Director Comey for not recommending charges be filed against her!
Then, the libs alleged voter fraud and demanded recounts in several states. That only netted Trump even more votes than the original count. Next, the blame turned to the Russians. They called for an investigation into the Russians' hacking of the U.S. voting system, even though there was no evidence that the outcome of the election had been affected in any way.
I'm surprised they didn't try to blame space aliens of landing on earth and stuffing the ballot box in favor of Trump! They certainly blamed everyone else.
The Democrats are just sore losers. In the days after the election, these cry babies filled the streets to protest Trump's win. It's their right to protest, but it seems a little childish. Speaking of childish, some college students were so distraught over the election that they couldn't go to class or take tests. They went to "safe rooms" where they could play with Play-Doh and color in coloring books. Grow up!
Hillary was said to be so grief-stricken on Election night that she couldn't stop crying. Good! Now maybe she knows a little of the kind of grief she caused the families of the four Americans she let die in Benghazi.
So what's next for Hillary? Well, we know she knows how to use a cloth to wipe things clean (like an e-mail server). So give her a cloth and a bottle of Windex and let her clean the glass ceiling because that's the closest she's ever going to get to breaking that glass ceiling!