I picked Cruz for several reasons: 1) he is a man of solid moral and conservative convictions; 2) he is a proud Texan who's willing to take on the Washington insiders; and 3) he can bring a needed shift in the direction of our country.
I know that the president can only do so much and that our hope for real change must be first and foremost in God. I also believe that the greatest hope for real change in America remains the people of God — committed followers of Jesus Christ.
There's no question that an ungodly leader, like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, can bring destruction to a nation, and a godly leader, like Cruz, can bring positive change.. Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous become great the people rejoice, but when the wicked dominate the people groan."
There are several godly candidates running for president (all of them Republican; I could not possibly vote for any of the ungodly Democratic candidates), and if our nominee ended up being someone like Dr. Ben Carson or former Governor Mike Huckabee, he would have my support.
But in looking for the leader who most closely shares my values — pro-life, supports traditional marriage, pro-Israel; having a good handle on economic issues, immigration, and national security; and not being part of the political establishment — Cruz comes out on the top of my list.
To take it one step further, I am hoping for a Cruz-Rubio ticket, and I think they have a real possibility of making it all the way.
To take it one step further, I am hoping for a Cruz-Rubio ticket, and I think they have a real possibility of making it all the way.