Wednesday, September 11, 2024

My Take on the Debate

It was an ambush.  That's the best way I can describe last night's debate.  Donald Trump walked into the lion's den, and they were ready to pounce on him.  It was three-against-one as the debate moderators teamed up with Kamala Harris to try to rattle Trump's cage.

Trump knew going into last night's debate that ABC is a liberal network, and that was on full display.  At times, it seemed like Trump was debating the moderators instead of Harris.  ABC host David Muir (or as I call him David Manure because he's so full of it), actively tried to help Harris.  He was quick to fact-check Trump during the debate, but he let Harris spew lie after lie.

Harris did little more than regurgitate rehearsed lines, and she wasn't held accountable for her record as vice president.  She even dodged the simplest question: "Is the country better off than it was four years ago?"  She gave no specifics on any of her policies, and the moderators didn't press her for answers.

She couldn't answer questions about how she would solve the many problems President Biden has created, such as open borders, punishing prices for consumers, Gaza, Ukraine and social disorder. Harris had nothing.  The only concrete thing she said was that she would give away trillions of federal dollars to help various people.

Clearly, Trump didn't have his best performance last night.  He got off-point in going back to the results of the 2020 election and talking about the size of his rallies.  He could've scored more points by using his time to point out Harris's flip-flops.  He made his strongest point in his closing statement when he said Harris had three-and-a-half years to fix these problems and she did nothing.

The worst thing about this is the many clueless people who watched the debate and fell for her lies and will vote for that nitwit.  If that happens, it will be the end of America as we know it.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Two of a Kind

The Democrats really know how to pick them, don't they?  The party is gearing up to nominate the most extreme pair of leftists for president and vice president.  This week, Kamala Harris picked radical Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

I'd never heard of this guy before last week, and I wish it had stayed that way.  The more I hear about him and his progressive views, the more I'm convinced that he is a danger to America.

I didn't think it was possible to find someone as left-wing as Kamala, but Kamala and Walz are two of a kind.  A pair of fools.  Here's just a few of the radical positions he supported as governor:

 Making Minnesota a sanctuary state. 

 Providing free health care for illegal immigrants.

 Free college tuition for illegals.

 Giving driver's licenses to illegals.

 Defunding the police and allowing Black Lives Matter thugs to burn down a police station in riots following the death of George Floyd.

 Giving women access to abortion up until the moment of birth.

 Here's the capper: This sicko wants gender-confused teenagers to have access to puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and even surgery all without parental consent.  He became known as "Tampon Tim" for allowing tampon dispensers to be placed in boys' bathrooms in schools.  He even signed an executive order allowing the state to take children away from their parents if the parents do not "affirm" the child's choice on gender identity.

Does this make you want to vote for Harris/Walz?  

We can at least be thankful that Kamala didn't pick Petie Buttigieg instead of Tim Walz.  We could have wound up with a nut and a fruit on the ticket instead of what we have now and that is a couple of left wingnuts. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Case Against Kamala

This election year has had more twists and turns than a roller coaster.  Look at what has happened in just the last month.  America watched as Joe Biden self-destructed in a debate on national TV.  That led to a wave of Democrats coming out and calling for Biden to withdraw from the race.  He dug in his heels and vowed to fight on until top Democrats forced him to end his re-election campaign.

On the Republican side, an assassination attempt by a 20-year-old gunman nearly cost Donald Trump his life.  A bullet grazed his ear and he narrowly escaped death.  He showed great courage in getting up and vowing to keep fighting.  He went on to accept his party's nomination at a unified Republican convention the next week.

With Biden put out to pasture, we're now watching the coronation of Cackling Kamala Harris who is more unfit to be president than Biden is.  I'm not saying that just because I don't like her.  I say it based on her past and her ultra-liberal views.

Most people don't know about her ascent into politics.  She slept her way into power by having an affair with Willie Brown, a powerful California politician.  She was 29, and he was 60 and married.  That relationship paid off for her in more ways than one.  She rode his coattails into office, first as district attorney in San Francisco and then as California attorney general.  She wasn't qualified for either position.  When she was in the Senate, she was labeled the most liberal senator -- even more liberal than Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Pocahontas-Warren.  That's saying something.

The only reason Kamala was picked for vice president is because Biden promised to nominate a black woman as his running mate.  Apparently, Whoopi Goldberg turned it down, so Biden had to hold his nose and pick Kamala even though he can't stand her.

She has done very little as vice president unless you count lying.  She's spent the last three and a half years lying to the nation about Biden, saying he's "at the top of his game" and "sharp as a tack."   Biden appointed Kamala as border czarina, even though the closest she came to the border was eating at an On The Border restaurant.

I wouldn't call her "dumb as a rock," as Trump described her, but it's pretty close.  Her speeches are filled with gibberish.  She makes no sense.  Here's one such gem: "Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time, so when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time."  Here's another: "It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day."  Now that's deep!

I cringe when I hear her voice; it's like fingernails on a chalkboard.  Then there's her cackling laugh at the most inappropriate times.  

Her most egregious behavior has been her promotion of abortion.  She's traveled across the country spouting her belief that abortion should be legal any time and any place even up to the moment of birth.  

Kamala has said she would ban fracking, oppose offshore drilling and end fossil fuel leases on public lands if president.  She also wants to take away your guns, saying she would support a mandatory buyback plan.  Her socialist policies would destroy our great nation.  She is dangerous and must be stopped from being elected president of the United States!

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

President Jill

Whether you like Joe Biden or not, it's sad to see what's happening to him right before our eyes.  Last week's debate is the clearest evidence that something is wrong with Biden's mental health.

For months now, we've heard that Biden is "declining" mentally.  I believed those claims to a point, but I thought the degree of his decline was being exaggerated by those who want to hurt his chances to win re-election.  I saw the clips on TV of Biden stumbling and mumbling, but I thought he was just showing his age.  He's 81 years old.  It's natural to have a few slips at that age.

After watching the debate, though, it's very clear that Biden is experiencing some kind of mental breakdown and is unfit to be president.  It's sad to see him in that condition.  It's even sadder to see his wife and others trying to cover up his condition by saying he just had a bad night at the debate.

Biden's wife, Jill, insists that he is more than capable of serving another four-year term.  While the tide is starting to turn with some liberal media strategists saying Biden should leave the race, Jill Biden still insists that he's not going anywhere.

Jill Biden is hurting her husband, not helping him.  As sad as it may be, there's nothing wrong with admitting that Biden has dementia and that it is getting progressively worse.  Jill should be focused on doing what's best for Joe, but she continues to put him out there because she doesn't want to relinquish the power.  As long as he can stand up and read the teleprompter, she's going to keep pushing him to get out there.  That is elder abuse, and it's shameful.

If Jill wants to keep the power, she should run for president herself.  She's been in charge the last three-and-a-half years anyway.  Who else could run in place of Joe?  Forget about Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and even Michelle Obama as replacements for Joe.  It should be Jill Biden's name on the ballot.

Joe Biden must bow out now -- for his own good and the good of the country.  He can retire to his home in Delaware where he can have his family around him and he can get the medical care he needs.

Sorry, Joe. but it's time for you to go!

Monday, January 1, 2024

More in '24

My word for the new year is "More."  I want more in 2024.  Specifically, I want more of God in my life this year.  To achieve this goal, I have to do my part.  God is always faithful and does His part.  But I have a part that I have to do, too.

I have to be more diligent in seeking Him.  That means reading the Bible, praying and going to church.  I've done all these things in past years, but I want to press in in seeking Him and drawing closer to Him.

Matthew 22:37 says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."  

I want to do more to serve the Lord with ALL my heart.  I've fallen short so many times.  I'd read the Bile without thinking about how to apply it to my life and do what it says.  I'd pray without taking time to stop, be still and listen for the Lord to speak to my heart and spirit.

The start of the new year is a good time to make a new commitment or renew your dedication to God.  I believe God has more He wants to do in my life, and He will if I just yield to Him and seek Him more than I ever have before.

I hope you will join me in pressing in more and finding more of Him in 2024!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Israel And The News

As I watch the news coverage of the Israel-Hamas war, there's one thing missing in the reporting.  Every network has its analysts and "experts" on foreign relations, but they all leave out a key element: Prophecy. 

What we're seeing take place in Israel today is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.  I haven't studied Bible prophecy like my friend Jimmy Phillips, who has studied and taught on prophecy for years.  But I know enough to see that we are living in the last days. 

The Bible predicted that end-time events would revolve around Israel, and that's what we're seeing take place in the Israel-Hamas war.  Hamas is a terrorist group funded by Iran.  Iran's objective is to destroy Israel.  It has openly said it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

The Bible also says that all nations will turn against Israel to try to destroy it.  That's what is taking place right now.  More and more nations are turning against Israel.  But the Bible is clear in Zechariah 12:4: "All the nations will gather against it to try to move it, but they will only hurt themselves,"

Some think this war is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 and 38, which describes a large force from the north attacking Israel.  It's all coming together right before our eyes.  I read one quote that said, "If you want to know what's happening, read the newspaper.  If you want to know why it's happening, read the Bible."

As Christians, we have hope.  Luke 21:28 says, "Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near."  That's what we should be doing.  We should be watching for Jesus to return.  He is coming soon, but you won't hear that reported on the news.

Friday, October 20, 2023


I turned 55 on Thursday.  I made it to the big double nickel.  Three months ago when I was in the hospital with a severe case of pneumonia, I honestly didn't know if I would make it to see 55.  I was on oxygen and struggling to breathe, but God pulled me through again.

Time after time throughout my life, the Lord has protected me and kept me alive.  He spared my life in 2005 when I was in a car crash and my truck overturned.  I came away from it with only a few cuts and scratches.  My truck didn't fare as well, but I survived.

After surgery
in 2014
When I developed spinal stenosis in 2013, I lost a lot of motor function in my already limited mobility, and I ended up having to move into a nursing home.  Thanks to God and a skilled surgeon, I didn't become even more paralyzed, and I have regained part of that function.

It was a dark time in my life.  When I came into the nursing home, I couldn't feed myself.  I couldn't type on this keyboard.  I couldn't do much of anything, and I couldn't understand why I was having to go through this ordeal.  It was the only time that I felt like giving up.  I wanted God to take me home to heaven, but He didn't.  

I kept going back to a Bible verse I had read many times.  Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

That verse reminded me that God can take something bad and turn it into something good.  I never expected to be in a nursing home at this stage of life, but God has turned even that into a good situation.  I actually have a good set-up here.  I don't have to cook, clean or do laundry, and I have the help I need.  I've also met a lot of great people here.

My scooter and my truck
I do miss living in Amarillo and all the places I went in my truck, but now I can get around better on my scooter in Pampa.  I go to a wonderful church, and it's only a 10-minute ride.  There's a grocery store, the movie theater and several fast-food restaurants within a couple of blocks.  I can ride almost anywhere in town in about 30 minutes.

I ride all over town.  It makes me feel like I still have some independence.  Some people see me and think I've escaped and call the police to come check on me.  One of the officers who checks on me is Neal Gardner, a friend from grade school.  He'll pull up beside me and say, "I knew it was you!" 

The bottom is God is good!  He has taken care of me all these years.  I don't know what the next year will bring, but I know God is faithful, and He will bring me through it all.